“ I have never before, in my long and eclectic career, been gifted with such an abundance of natural beauty as I experienced filming War Horse on Dartmoor.” Steven Spielberg.

Wolf Wood Treehouses

Bratton Clovelly


The ultimate combination of luxury and wilderness – Wolf Wood Treehouses are located in the heart of a secluded 13-acre woodland in a hidden valley, to the North of Dartmoor and just outside the pretty Devon village of Bratton Clovelly.

There are a number of picnic and barbecue areas dotted around the woodland so you can while away an evening sitting by the fire as night closes in.

The small river that meanders along the bottom of the valley is a great place to dip your toes, skim stones and watch the birds – keep an eye out for the kingfisher.

Spring brings an abundance of wildflowers; a carpet of bluebells interspersed with violets, primroses, red campions and purple orchids.

The woodland has a wide variety of native trees and is alive with wildlife including deer, badgers, squirrels, foxes, mice, frogs, toads, owls and woodpeckers to name but a few. Find a comfy spot to sit quietly and watch the life going on around you.

We are committed to minimising our environmental impact and to encouraging the quantity and diversity of flora and fauna in and around the woodland. So far, we have planted an additional 600 trees and flowering shrubs as well as wild flowers to encourage bees and butterflies. We are also implementing a woodland stewardship program with the specific intention of broadening our diverse range of habitats.

Prices from £285 – £425 per night couples only (still with 2-night minimum midweek and 3-night weekend).

Key Facilities


Free WiFi


Additional Facilities

  • Wood burning stove
  • Smart television (Netflix and TV on demand), Bluetooth speaker & radio
  • Walk in waterfall shower
  • Outdoor Jacuzzi bath for two
  • Outdoor double width bath
  • Outdoor dining table and chairs
  • King-size bed with woodland view
