Top pubs on Dartmoor

Enjoy a bite to eat and a great drink

Village pubs with a warm welcome and roaring log fire to sit in front of after an afternoon spent exploring the magic of Dartmoor are some of the most popular stop off points on and around the moor!

Whether you’re a local, or a visitor from afar, you will relish the atmosphere, the glorious, locally sourced and home cooked food, and the many drinks that are produced locally!

Many of the Dartmoor pubs love to entertain their customers during the summer months, with Morris Dancers, barbecues, fairs and shows.

Most pubs have in depth knowledge on where to walk, ride or cycle, as they hear all about it from their customers, so can be very useful sources of information if you are planning an afternoon outing to burn off a hearty lunchtime feast!

Spoil yourself a little, when you’re planning a walk with the dog or the family, make time to visit a Dartmoor pub!

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