Dartmoor Circular Walks

There are lots of ways to explore and enjoy Devon and Dartmoor, whether on foot, by bike or on the back of a horse; but by far the most popular is by walking. We have found that circular walks are the most well-loved, so here we have a large number for you to choose from!

Take a look at the circular walks you can do here. These may range from 1 mile to 12 miles+ so please check your distance before embarking on a route. Some of these routes will be challenging and some easy, some moderate and others guided walks.

All of the routes state their level of difficulty and give an outline of the routes, so that you are fully informed before you even leave the house.

Dartmoor is full of surprises and unexpected hidden gems, but often you need to be with someone who knows the secrets or you may well miss out! See our guides listed here.

You probably already know that we have some wonderful places to eat and drink on and around Dartmoor, just perfect for re-fueling after a walk, or stopping off mid-walk for a delicious cream tea at one of the Cafes and Tearooms.

Easy Walks

These walks are typically up to 3 miles long. All of these walks are laid out on a fairly even surface, so steep climbs will not be on the agenda — but you’ll still get to see some outstanding countryside along the way. Some walks are linear, some circular. The walks are aimed at being easy for someone of a reasonable fitness.

Take a look at the list below for just some of the easy walks you can do on Dartmoor. 

Moderate Walks

These moderate walks are typically between 5 and 10 miles long. Some of them are over easy ground, while others will require some tramping over rougher ground. There may be some undulating countryside and some inclines, but overall the walks are enjoyable for a reasonably fit individual (and even for those that are not!).

Take a look at the list below for just some of the moderate walks you can do on Dartmoor. 

Hard Walks

These hard walks are only really for experienced walkers. Most of them lead through undulating countryside at some point along the route. There will be inclines, but wth those come fun descents and breathtaking views over Dartmoor. Some are linear, some circular. The walks are aimed at being challenging for a reasonably fit individual.

Take a look at the map for just some of the harder walks you can do on Dartmoor. All of the routes state the level of difficulty and give an outline of the routes that you are fully informed before you even leave the house.

Our Favourite Walking Books & Map