“ I have never before, in my long and eclectic career, been gifted with such an abundance of natural beauty as I experienced filming War Horse on Dartmoor.” Steven Spielberg.

Active Dartmoor on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is not all about flowers, chocolates and fine dining, we look at some fun ways to spend the day outside on and around Dartmoor.


Take a look at just some of the CIRCULAR WALKS you can do on Dartmoor. These may range from a couple of miles, to 12 miles+ so please check your distance before embarking on a route. Some of these routes will be challenging and some easy, some moderate and others guided walks. All of the routes state their level of difficulty and give an outline of the routes, so that you are fully informed before you even leave the house.


CYCLING. It’s one of the first big achievements we have as children. And it is something we can continue to enjoy into old age. It keeps you fit, gets you outdoors and sends endorphins rushing to the brain; which is a surefire route to happiness. And Dartmoor is the place to do it; with spectacular scenery everywhere you look, mile upon mile of quiet wilderness (plus some ponies) and welcoming spots to take a break (pubs), there is nowhere better. So what are you waiting for? Get on a bike


HORSERIDING on Dartmoor is one of life’s pleasures. If you love to ride horses, Dartmoor is the place to do it. Dramatic, beautiful scenery, challenging routes, open skies and such peace. You may be a beginner on your first trek or an experienced rider embarking on another adventure; either way, Dartmoor is hard to beat. You can ride out on to the open moor, trot along woodland trails and bridleways, or follow in the hoof-prints of Dartmoor’s forefathers along historic byways There are some superb Riding Centres on Dartmoor, where you can choose to ride anything from a Dartmoor Pony right up to an awesome Clydesdale Horse!

Something more challenging?

We’ve all seen the exciting Bear Grylls programmes on TV, did you know you can sign up with BEAR GRYLLS SURVIVAL ACADAMY on Dartmoor to experience the challenge yourself, or as a family? We have a feature article in our Discover Dartmoor magazine which you can read online HERE.

How about a spot of climbing? Our CLIMBING ON DARTMOOR page has some great information on where to give it a go, and lists some activity providers who can guide and coach you. The tors offer excellent climbing and bouldering for all abilities from the very beginner to the truly awesome expert. And there is enough space in this wonderful wilderness to climb alone or as part of a group.

Ever thought of LETTERBOXING ON DARTMOOR? Participants, or Letter-boxers search the Tors and valleys for the hidden treasure, either following clues or simply searching under rocks.  A Dartmoor Letterbox is a container – typically a durable plastic box – containing a rubber stamp, a copy of which is taken for the collection, journal or scrapbook.  Also inside is a visitor’s book – where a Letter-boxer can leave their mark, usually in the form of a ‘personal’ stamp to prove the visit.

ACTIVE DARTMOOR MAGAZINE has a huge number of articles, features, stories, walks, rides and so, so much more. You will find an index of Activities here, lots to inspire you!
