“ I have never before, in my long and eclectic career, been gifted with such an abundance of natural beauty as I experienced filming War Horse on Dartmoor.” Steven Spielberg.

An Eggs-traordinarily Innovative Easter Egg Hunt

This coming Easter do you know what you’ll be doing? If you do the same old Easter Egg Hunt every year then perhaps it’s time for a change.

On the 10th, 11th & 13th April the team at House of Marbles are adding a BONUS digital Easter Egg Hunt to its traditional offering. This event is an opportunity for the whole family to get involved! Enjoy the traditional Easter Egg Trail but with bonus ‘hidden Easter Egg’ questions to answer as you go.

Events Co-ordinator Tania Paine states “if you don’t know the answer, just scan the QR code on the Easter Egg using a smartphone or tablet with mobile data, then ‘hey presto’ the answer will pop up on your screen. What we particularly love about this idea is that it will be engaging for all ages aa there will always be one or two people who are more tech savvy that can do the digital element for the whole group”.

The virtual Easter Egg Hunt is not only interesting in that it brings together the old with the new, but also because it will be based around the popular ‘Easter Eggs’ that you might spot in films, tv and games. “If you have ever watched a film and spotted a character from a different franchise, for example a DC character like Batman or Superman in a Marvel Film such as Spiderman, then that is a pop culture Easter Egg!” exclaimed Ms Paine “and there really is something that every generation will recognise, including Mickey Mouse, also known as ‘hidden Mickey’s’!”

Operations Director, Andrea Harkin added “For those who still aren’t convinced, the traditional Easter Egg Hunt will also be running on these dates and you don’t have to do the digital version if it’s not your thing. But we do hope that grandparents, parents, siblings or friends can work together, and that this novel idea will bring a whole new group of people to the site to discover what we have here.”

More information will be released on social media, so take a look at the company’s Facebook page for the most up-to-date news about what will be going on and when, but for now you might want to think about who you will be bringing along with you to this unique activity.

For further info about House of Marbles visit www.houseofmarbles.com
