Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust

Bovey Tracey

Contact Information

Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust


The Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust is a registered charity created to work with the pony keepers on Dartmoor to preserve the traditional type of native Dartmoor Pony.

As a charity we focus on:

  • Providing direct help to keepers and breeders on Dartmoor, including hardship cases.
  • Providing additional grazing on Bellever, 1000 acre site on Dartmoor.
  • Scientific research using the controlled area of Bellever to study and record the impact the Heritage pony has on the environment – this has been ongoing for over 10 years and is a unique study in the UK involving native ponies.
  • Education through outreach to schools and organising walks.  The long-term aim of this being to help the next generation understand their responsibilities.
  • Finding suitable markets to add economic value to the ponies for the keepers and breeders which includes conservation grazing, companion ponies, showing, first ridden and driven.
  • Lobbying government bodies to ensure the Heritage Pony has a voice when it comes to landscape and farming policy formulation.

Free Guided Walks at Bellever (6 or more people) with our qualified Moorland Guides
Enjoy a 2 to 3 hour walk around this wonderful moorland site, learning about the ponies, the environment and the ancient people who lived here. For families, groups, and schools.

During your morning or afternoon visit you will learn how the tough Dartmoor ponies are integral to the management of the Dartmoor landscape. Pupils will also discover how Dartmoor was formed and how Bellever, which sits in the heart of the Dartmoor National Park, has changed over the past 3 million years, through the influence of weathering and man. We tick lots of National Curriculum boxes and offer a unique day out.

Sessions are led by an experienced and qualified guide leader, who can tailor the material to suit either adults or children aged 8 to 16 yrs. Or both!

These walks taken at a steady pace. The terrain is partly tracks, partly moorland and forestry.

Dogs allowed – on leads only.

Do get in touch:


See the website for more details.

Key Facilities


Additional Facilities

  • 80 hectare open access site at Bellever Forest managed by Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust