“ I have never before, in my long and eclectic career, been gifted with such an abundance of natural beauty as I experienced filming War Horse on Dartmoor.” Steven Spielberg.

Children in lockdown show they care about the countryside

CPRE Devon inundated with competition entries from children in lockdown who showed they care about the countryside

Devon’s schoolchildren have shown how much they care about the countryside by entering CPRE Devon’s 2020 Art and Writing competitions in their droves. This year the Devon branch of the countryside charity CPRE received more entries than ever before and from all corners of the county.

In both competitions, held throughout the months of lockdown, primary schoolchildren demonstrated how much they care about the natural world on their doorstep. Entering their paintings and prose gave them an outlet for their creative talents while they were stuck at home.

Pupils from the north, south and east of the county triumphed in the individual categories of the two competitions. St Mary’s Catholic Primary School in Buckfastleigh won Best Overall School for the second year running for the quality of its written entries. St Peter’s Prep School at Lympstone near Exmouth won Best Overall School in the ‘My Outdoors’ art competition.

Penny Mills, Director of CPRE Devon, said: “What an amazing year it’s been for our annual children’s competitions. The entries came pouring in from across the county – from Barnstaple to Buckfastleigh, Woolacombe to Whimple, Exmouth to Plymouth and any number of places in between!”

We have been absolutely thrilled at both the quality and quantity of this year’s entries. It’s no surprise, perhaps, that with our youngsters ‘locked down’ for weeks on end in their homes, without the daily routine of school, they have found creative ways to expend their energy and their love for the outdoor spaces they’ve had access to. For those in urban environments, this may have been no more than a courtyard or garden or green space at the end of their road. Those who live close to the coast or countryside have enjoyed more freedom to roam. Some of our entrants used their memory to revisit favourite beauty spots and scenic locations. We have enjoyed seeing and reading about all of these places. It’s been a real pleasure discovering what our young competition entrants love about their outdoors.

Judging was incredibly difficult this year because of the large number of entries. The results are:

The children were asked to depict ‘My Outdoors’ in any medium of their choice.

Key Stage 1 – The individual winner is Betsy Salt (Age 6) from St Peter’s Prep School, Lympstone, Exmouth for her seaside painting.

Highly Commended prizes go to children from Clyst Heath Primary School, Exeter; Compton C of E Primary School, Plymouth; Bampton C of E Primary School Bampton; Wembury Primary School; Woolacombe School; St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Buckfastleigh; St Peter’s Prep School, Lympstone, Exmouth.

Key Stage 2 – This year there are two individual winners:
Thomasin Manley-Frost (Age 10) from St Peter’s Prep School Lympstone, Exmouth for her painting of Bowerman’s Nose, Dartmoor; and Graciella Sillence-Dreyer (Age 11) from Pilton Bluecoat Academy, Barnstaple for her watercolour painting of Mannings Pit.

Highly Commended prizes are awarded to children from Woodbury Salterton Primary School; Whimple Primary School; St Johns School Sidmouth; Bampton C of E Primary School; Tedburn St Mary Primary School; St Peter’s Prep School Lympstone, Exmouth; Whitchurch Community Primary School; St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Buckfastleigh; and Dunsford Community Academy.
The overall winning school, with a prize of £200 towards outdoor learning initiatives, is St Peter’s Prep School, Lympstone, Exmouth.

The children were asked to briefly say why they think it’s important to protect Devon’s countryside.

Key Stage 1 – The individual winner is Ayrton Teague (Age 5) from St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Buckfastleigh, who wrote
Devon is a rural area. We are country people. It is important to be proud of our countryside. A clean and tidy countryside is beautiful to see.

Key Stage 2 – The individual winner is Priya-Louise Fairey (Age 9) from St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Buckfastleigh, who wrote
I like to cycle through the lanes and I love to see the bluebells in the hedges. Sometimes I see litter which makes me sad.

Highly Commended prizes go to children from Dunsford Community Academy; Whimple Primary School; Wembury Primary School; Preston Primary School Torquay; Bridestowe Primary School; and St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Buckfastleigh.

The overall winning school, with a prize of £200 towards outdoor learning initiatives, is St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Buckfastleigh.

CPRE Devon’s Penny Mills adds, “Thank you to all the children who have taken part in this year’s competitions and produced some wonderful work. Thanks also to the parents and school teachers who have taken the time and trouble to get their entries to us by post and email.


Watch CPRE Devon ‘My Outdoors’ Art Competition 2020 video on YouTube HERE

Written by Sharon Goble www.if-media.co.uk
