“ I have never before, in my long and eclectic career, been gifted with such an abundance of natural beauty as I experienced filming War Horse on Dartmoor.” Steven Spielberg.

Helping ponies, sheep and cattle in danger or distress on Dartmoor

Please put this number on your phone if you are going to be out on Dartmoor 07873 587561

Livestock Protection Officer and Call-out

The Dartmoor Livestock Protection Society (jointly with the Dartmoor Commoners’ Council) funds the work of the Livestock Protection Officer, Karla McKechnie, who is on emergency call-out to deal with incidents of sheep worrying, dog attacks, casualties from road traffic accidents and livestock in distress on Dartmoor.

Any member of the public or police can help – please call assistance quickly

Payment for initial veterinary aid for injured moorland livestock is guaranteed by the Dartmoor Livestock Protection Society.

Give details:

It is important to give the following details, where possible.

  • Type of Animal: colour, dye marks, brand letters, earmarks, special features?
  • What appears to be wrong: pain, collapsed, bleeding?
  • Location: clear directions are vital please give grid reference, if possible, and state whether the animal is visible from the road and whether it is mobile.What3Words is also very useful.
  • Can you stay to guide assistance: this is very helpful
  • Your name, tel no & address: this could be vital for additional directions etc

Road Traffic Accidents

Many accidents involving animals occur on the moorland roads, often due to excessive speed. In a joint initiative with the Dartmoor National Park, DLPS purchased 40 mph speed signs to warn drivers who exceed the speed limit. The signs also record important information about every passing vehicle.

Responsible dog walking

Dartmoor Livestock Protection Society has been involved with several initiatives to encourage responsible dog-walking on the commons so sheep and lambs are not chased, bitten and killed by dogs. DLPS is now helping to fund a Livestock Protection Officer.

Don’t feed the ponies

Eye catching yellow signs with the Dartmoor Livestock Protection Society’s name are erected each year by the Dartmoor National Park Authority warning the public not to feed the ponies. Giving ponies tit-bits attracts them to cars and to the roads where accidents are more likely to occur as a result.

Please put this number on your phone if you are going to be out on Dartmoor

07873 587561

Website for more information

