“ I have never before, in my long and eclectic career, been gifted with such an abundance of natural beauty as I experienced filming War Horse on Dartmoor.” Steven Spielberg.

The Moorland Merrymakers are back again, oh yes, they are!

The Moorland Merrymakers, who were formed in 1965, are pleased to announce that they are back undertaking a live traditional pantomime on the Leusdon Memorial Hall stage just above Poundsgate. Chairman Rob Steemson said `They say patience is a virtue and I am pleased that our producer Ali Whale has plenty, in fact two years’ worth! She volunteered at our Annual General Meeting in 2019 to produce `Hansel and Gretel` for in theory 2020 until COVID struck`.

To keep the group going last year they stepped outside on to Dartmoor to undertake a filmed version of `Jack and the Beanstalk` that was written by one of the members talented Philip Reeve. This was professionally filmed by Alec Collyer MBE, and then shown to limited audiences.

Producer Ali Whale said `What a brilliant feeling. I am so pleased to be able to bring Hansel and Gretel to the stage. It is the one pantomime I remember watching the group perform when I was six years old, and it has always stayed with me. This is the first time it has been performed since, so I am very happy to bring it back with such an amazing cast and crew`.

The group have welcomed some new members and have frozen ticket prices at 2019 level and will be serving teas and pasties in the interval at all the shows this week.

Rob concluded `We continue to live in unprecedented times, and the cast have all enjoyed having some great fun and laughs whilst rehearsing. We most certainly thrive off our audiences’ responses so will be encouraging them to relax and join in wherever possible. We thank them and also the Leusdon Memorial Hall Committee (who are celebrating the Halls centenary year in 2023) for their continued support`.


In the photo are back row – left Lloyd Mortimore who is Peggy Pumpernickel and Philip Reeve who is Wally.
In front left is Luke Fursdon who is Hansel and Yvette Elliot who is Gretel.
